Let Green Wave Projects guide you through the concept, design and build phases of your project.
Project Management
- Preparation of Design Briefs
- Budget Planning & Management
- Building Performance review
- Consultant Engagement and Appointment
- Design Coordination
- Time Management and Programming
- Local Authority Negotiation
- Management of Tenders, Analysis and Assessments
- Contract Administration
- Tenancy and Occupancy Co-ordination
- Post occupancy inspections & reviews
Project Management
- Trade Contractor Engagement
- Construction Programming
- Construction Supervision
- Construction Administration
- As Built Documentation
- Defects Liability Management
Contracts, Claims & Dispute Services
We recognise the processes involved in resolving contract disputes can be time consuming, expensive and stressful. We are conscious of the pressures that are faced by parties in disputes and we work closely with our clients and their legal advisors and the other party to resolve disputes in a timely manner and with cost-effective outcomes. .
What we can do for you
Claire is passionate about sustainability, small footprint living and healthy, high performance dwellings. She wants to change the way people live, focusing on better indoor air quality and reduced operating costs. by selecting sustainable, low maintenance materials and finishes you can have more time and money for living life to its fullest.