Moving through the building scanning all building surfaces with an infrared camera - walls, ceilings, windows, doorways, junctions between different materials, etc. and using the buildings Heating/Cooling as necessary to create suitable condition, helps to identify structural and other features, and potential issues that may be present such as;
benefits of Airtightness
- Missing or poorly fitted insulation in ceilings and walls
- Thermal bridges in the structure
- Air infiltration/leakage
- Mould
- Water egress
- Roofing and flashing leaks
- Locate services eg. How water pipes, in-slab heating elements (hydronic or electrical)
Available in Hobart and surrounding areas.
Hourly rate of $120+GST per hour.
Home Energy Use
The energy usage of a home is often an important factor for people when considering renting or buying. Using an energy performance rating is one way to show how “energy hungry” a home could be.
Combining thermography and blower door testing, the performance of the building can be determined for its energy rating and comfort levels.