Building Performance Assessments

Leaky and draughty buildings are less comfortable to live in, are more costly to heat (and cool) and are potentially less durable. Poorly designed and constructed homes can cost 30-50% and sometimes more to heat and cool. Airtightness is important as it identifies air leaks/gaps in your building envelope.

Imagine living in a building with no cold draughts - but instead a constant, comfortable temperature all year-round

Building to a suitable level of 'airtightness' is integral to the performance of a building. Proving and measuring that it is built airtight, and finding unnecessary air leakage is what we can do for you by performing an Air Leakage verification test using a Blower Door system.

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Performance Building Materials

Improved energy performance of buildings presents a win-win-win opportunity, reducing stress on the electricity network, offering bill savings, supporting a least-cost pathway to a zero carbon built environment, and improving health and resilience outcomes for households.

Passive House is about "Building Tight & Ventilating Right". It all starts with product selections that are designed to work as a system, creating healthy, comfortable, energy efficient and durable buildings. Read more about Proclima products here.

5 principles

Focused on sustainable, small footprint living that is good for people and good for the planet.